Global warming has been a significant issue in the last couple of decades, which causes higher wildlife extinction rates. Our good friends, the Polar Bears are being affected thanks to this central issue called Global warming, which causes the Arctic to warm up about twice as fast as the global average, causing the ice that polar bears depend on to melt away. The loss of sea ice threatens the polar bears to raise their young, so let’s do something about it!

As a team of blockchain and traditional art lovers, our goal in this project is to further integrate both styles into one to tie both communities together synergistically. This collection is a crossover between the classic blockchain art style that has emerged over the last few years and traditional medium visual art that has been around for thousands of years as blockchain art continues to exponentially grow, as does the friction between these two worlds of art. By merging the two, we attack some of the subconscious layers both in the minds of traditional art lovers and blockchain art lovers to get them to appreciate the two worlds. This collection is a transcendental work of art and the first of its kind to truly merge both styles. It’s a passion project born out of love and is driven by local artists in Merida, Mexico. We aim to not only have a digital presence but a very much real physical presence as well.

Much love,

Angry Polar Bear Club.

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